The amimal testing started in XVI century with Andreas Vesalius and his Italian colleagues . they used live animals especially dogs and pigs to demostrat the different functions of the animals themselves and, by resemblance, of the human body and today the animal testing is more usual and the images are really explicit . If you are a person sensible i am no recomendly you too see the next image But a positive idia is that dicover a new potive product like a mekeup and oher thigs like that because if the makeup is toxic the persons cannt experiment hit a persone because is a human and have family and friend and if he die in the experimente the famyli put a caim and the persons stay in a prisionin the negative aspect is tht the animals have pain and die in the 100% in the time because wasent have a leg and a depredador eting because the product is toxing and this i soo sad and never is the best option and the beast proposment and the persons thing this ¨the animals are soo small in comparation at my ¨and thys is the reason that testing whit animals
but this is all plese hav a god day
HELLO today i do a persons that participe in the boston atacck is a police that capture a criminal
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